Speaking a Universal Language
It is a well known phenomenon, that languages change over time.  If languages constantly changes because people and their culture evolve, why should the more visual aspects of language not follow suit, including the script of photographer-made words and sentences? 
How to understand this universal, artistic script?

Each photograph presents a single word enabling us to build phrases and sentences. The respective meaning shall be interpretable by people of any particular cultural background and language and shall serve as unique script around the globe

A little Style Guide

The style guide for this universal, photography-based script is very simple:

The script is composed of nouns (subjects and objects), verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Colored frames assist in understanding the grammatical function of each word.
Word order follows standard English syntax. And Punctuation is limited to dots at the end of each sentence.

Style Guide
alone …. an adjective - in a green frame
Style Guide
at home … an adverb - in a turquoise frame
Style Guide
generation …. a noun (objective) - in a lila frame
Style Guide
watch   .… . a verb - in a blue frame
Style Guide
terrorist …. a noun (subject) - in a red frame
Style Guide
dots mark the end of a sentence … in a black frame
Artistic Linguistics

As common for any other language, ambiguity will also be a phenomenon of this language; many words will be associated with more meanings. And potential invisibles meanings have to be considered. Nevertheless, the visual communication shall aim share thoughts, be in the format of statements, short stories, poems, and eventually dialogues

Here is an example of a sentence ...

My first sentences in universal, visual language ...
This new format of communication complements written, verbal and other visual attempts to catch
specific moments or call attention to ongoing, dynamic changes to personal and social identities.
Via this different format, statements can reach a broad and different target population.


Austrian freelance fine art photographer.
Website via Visura

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